Sale of Alcohol to Minors
1Elements and Case Citations
If a plaintiff can establish the defendant provided alcohol to an obviously intoxicated minor, and that such action was the proximate cause of the plaintiff's injuries or death, Bus. & Prof. Code, § 25602.1, permits liability in two circumstances:
- the defendant was either licensed to sell alcohol, required to be licensed, or federally authorized to sell alcoholic beverages in certain places, and the defendant sold, furnished, or gave the minor alcohol or caused alcohol to be sold, furnished, or given to the minor; or
- the defendant was "any other person" (i.e., neither licensed nor required to be licensed), and he or she sold alcohol to the minor or caused it to be sold.
Subscribers To The California Litigation Guide Can See:
- The rest of the elements for this cause of action;
- The citations to the most recent state and federal court cases citing the cause of action;
- The statute of limitations; and
- The defenses to this cause of action.
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