Good Samaritan Liability - Negligent Undertaking
1Elements and Case Citations
A negligent undertaking claim of liability to third parties requires evidence that:
- the actor undertook, gratuitously or for consideration, to render services to another;
- the services rendered were of a kind the actor should have recognized as necessary for the protection of third persons (plaintiffs);
- the actor failed to exercise reasonable care in the performance of its undertaking;
- the failure to exercise reasonable care resulted in physical harm to the third persons; and
- either (a) the actor's carelessness increased the risk of such harm, or (b) the undertaking was to perform a duty owed by the other to the third persons, or (c) the harm was suffered because of the reliance of the other or the third persons upon the undertaking.
Subscribers To The California Litigation Guide Can See:
- The rest of the elements for this cause of action;
- The citations to the most recent state and federal court cases citing the cause of action;
- The statute of limitations; and
- The defenses to this cause of action.
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